Overall Solutions

Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2 Extension Project:

Suzhou Rail Transit Line 2 travels along the north-south direction, while the 2 extension lines of Line 2 runs completely underground towards north and east respectively with a combined total length of 15.59 km. Sangtiandao berth yard is located in the Park on the eastern extension line. CHSR has provided berth yard system solution which includes integrated equipment design, manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, installation, commissioning, training and warranty service. Main equipment of the project are crane & hoist, rolling stock washing plant, engineering vehicles (combustion engine, battery rail car, rail flatcar, rail crane flatcar, rail washing car), main line pantograph on-line monitoring system, infrared axle temperature detecting system, mobile car lifting machine, 3-layer operation platform, mobile air compressor, the 5-prevention system, high pressure washing plant, static adjustment power supply cabinet, intelligent storage battery discharging device and etc.

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