Overall Solutions

Guangzhou High Power Locomotive Maintenance Base Overall Solution

CHSR undertakes the wheel maintenance line, axle maintenance line, frame maintenance line and equipment design & freight supply of Guangzhou High Power Base. The bogie maintenance workshop could daily service the components from more than 10 locomotives in newly established Guangzhou CRH high power locomotive maintenance base. The axle & wheel maintenance stream line which covers 1300m² lies in bogie maintenance workshop. It is in charge of the following work: axle & wheel disassembly, axle suspension box disassembly, axle gear detection, axle dimension measurement, axle suspension box assembly, motor, gearbox assembly, wheel brake disc disassembly, wheel brake disc cleaning, wheel brake disc detection, wheel brake disc assembly, static equilibrium test, end beating measurement, wheel inner bore & tread measurement, wheel oiling, wheel machining, wheel & axle assembly, etc. It can accommodate wheel & axle disassembly, maintenance, assembly and test for all types of high power electric locomotives. This solution is designed according to the technical requirements of high power electric locomotive axle & wheel maintenance and the quality of the maintenance operation and etc.

The wheel & axle maintenance stream line is composed of maintenance line management system, logistics transportation system & all types of disassembly, detection, cleaning, assembly and testing equipment. The maintenance management system and logistics transportation system connect their respective equipment to ensure the data exchange between equipment, equipment & transportation system achieved the interlocking between equipment, the rhythmical & smooth logistics, safety & efficiency of maintenance.

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