Overall Solutions

Beijing Metro Line 8 Phase III Project: Locomo

Beijing metro line 8, which is a north-south rail transit line, lies in the central axis of Beijing. It connects Qinghe, Beiyuan to the eight districts. The phase I project that is from the south gate of the forest park station to Beitucheng station has been running since 2008. The north part of the phase II project is from Huilongguan Dongdajie station, while the south part is from Beitucheng station to national art museum station. The phase III project is the south extension line of the phase II. The phase III of line 8 is from the south of national art museum and then travels to the south along Wangfujing Street and turns to west at Qianmen east avenue station, after that go straight along Qianmen Avenue, Yongdingmen inner avenue, Yongdingen outer avenue, Nanyuan Road, Jingfu Road to the terminal station Yinghai. Yinghai rolling stock base has been planned at the terminal station. CHSR provides the system solutions for this rolling stock base. The integration work includes un-wheeling maintenance, temporary maintenance, monthly maintenance, parking maintenance and other process tools of the rolling stocks for line 8, it is more than 500 types of tools in total and the equipment are more than 1870 sets.

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