Overall Solutions

Shijiazhuang Urban Rail Transit Line 1 Phase I

Shijiazhuang rail transit line 1 is the east-west backbone line which connects the old city downtown, the key development Binhe and Zhengding new districts. Line 1 connects the three centers of the districts. This line is 36.626km long with 28 underground stations, one rolling stock depot and one comprehensive maintenance base as well as two berth yards, which are Xizhaotong rolling stock depot & comprehensive maintenance base, Zhangying berth yard and Nanniu berth yard. CHSR provides the system solution for Xizhaotong rolling stock depot & comprehensive maintenance base, Zhangying berth yard and the berth yard behind line 3. The integration includes parking maintenance, monthly maintenance, temporary maintenance, un-wheeling maintenance and other process tools. There are more than 200 types in total and the equipment are more than 600 sets.

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